. St James Social - B&Co.
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Urban Hospitality

St James Social

For the Love of Legacy


A passion project developed by a previous client and friend, the St James Social is a historic restoration project steeped in Bayfield’s rich history. This beautiful hotel adorns the streets of this beloved Wisconsin destination, now featuring a brand new facelift and visual identity that harkens back to the hotel’s roots.

See The Story

The Client

  • 200 Rittenhouse Avenue, LLC
  • Bayfield, WI

What We Delivered

  • Art Direction
  • Brand and Identity
  • Copywriting
  • Illustration
  • Visual Identity
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An identity that reflects the romance of Bayfield’s past, present and vision for the future.

Rich History Meets Bright Future

The St James has been a longstanding staple of the Bayfield community. It has witnessed prohibition, the rise of the logging industry, 3-day blizzards and countless ships venturing out onto Lake Superior. Established in 1884, the property has a unique collection of stories to tell.

Today, Bayfield is a popular vacation spot that is experiencing resurgance and reinvigoration. The new branding creates a bold statment. It showcases a decidedly modern logo mark and iconography. Supporting elements include storied details

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Incorporating a touch of warmth and whimsy

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Celebrating stewardship

The modern and historic elements of the branding are only enhanced by the charm reflective of the owners vision. A love letter to the community and a legacy for the whole family, meaningful symbolism and love of nature is weaved throughout. We pay homage to the family’s young daughters and their lavender farm through the sprig illustration and purple palette. Balanced with paternal, outdoorsy detail like the deer icon and earthy green, the hotel and its branding serve as a portrait of the family who brought the hotel back to life.

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